Midjourney AI Review | The Best AI Image Generator in 2024

Midjourney AI Review

Midjourney AI allows getting artistic photos. It doesn’t matter whether you have a creative talent or not. You can generate amazing images with a few prompts. Midjourney is the best choice for generating perfect dreamy images. It is super easy to generate photos with the help of AI

Midjourney has become the most popular AI image generator. According to Colorlib, 16 million people are using this program. You can generate photos by giving some commands to the AI. And, you know, a picture is worth a thousand words. You can create more engaging content by using eye-catching images.

Moreover, Midjourney AI delivers the exact image that you need for your content. All you need is to write good prompts. If you are planning to use this program to generate impressive photos, you are at the right place. Here I will discuss the pros and cons of this software. So, without further delay, let’s start.

What is Midjourney AI?

Midjourney AI

The AI image generator was developed by Midjourney, Inc. It is a San Francisco-based company. Using Midjourney, you can generate images from natural language commands. It is similar to other AI programs like OpenAI’s DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.

Yet, the Midjourney AI has suppressed the other image generators. The easy interface is the main reason behind its success. Also, it provides high-quality art photos. It is helpful in science-fiction literature or artwork. Midjourney is more of a painting tool. That is the difference with other programs.

Midjourney works on pushing the boundaries of human imagination. As of July 12, 2022, the tool has entered its open beta phase. Guiding the Midjourney team is David Holz, renowned for his co-founding of Leap Motion. Holz disclosed in August 2022 that the company had already achieved profits.

Midjourney AI software is the playground for creative minds. Users unleash their creative prowess by crafting artwork through Discord bot commands. Put the text description, and the AI will do the rest. The more precise you provide the prompt, the more quality results.

Meanwhile, you can use an existing photo to convert it into artwork. Yet, some issues may arise in your generated images. It faces challenges in creating hands or intricate objects. Also, backgrounds might become blurred.

How To Use The Midjourney AI Program? 

Midjourney AI art generator no longer provides a complimentary trial period. You need a subscription. I will guide you through the process of creating your Discord account. So, you can create a simple subscription setup for Midjourney.

Setting Up Discord

Midjourney AI Discord

Before delving into the Midjourney AI, download Discord for Mac or PC. Discord might remind you of an old-school chat tool, but it is the gateway to various chat rooms for seamless communication. On the left side, you’ll find multiple channels, among them being ‘Midjourney’—the essential track you need to access.

To utilize the track, click “Join the Beta” at midjourney.com. Discord is versatile, operating in web browsers and through a desktop interface. Depending on your preference, the program may load directly in your web browser or through the desktop application.

Essentially, both options function similarly, and the choice is a personal preference. Firstly, it’s important to note that both options are free. 

The charges only come into play based on your intended usage of the AI-generated images from Midjourney. The first 25 images are free for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons 4 declaration. However, for commercial purposes, a monthly fee is required.

Getting a Midjourney Subscription 

Midjourney subscription

The Midjourney bot is no longer accessible free of cost. So, you need to buy a subscription plan to create artwork. There are three tiers: the Basic, Standard, and Pro plans.

You’ll find a text prompt toward the lower section of the screen. Click inside the prompt and begin typing “/subscribe.” It will trigger the subscription. So, you can enroll in one of Midjourney’s paid plans.  Click on “Subscribe to Midjourney,” and then hit the “Enter” key to proceed. The bot will redirect you to the subscription page with three tiers:

  • Basic: $10/month, 200 generations/month, private chat room for image generation.
  • Standard: $30/month, 15 hours of image generation. Also, unlimited relaxed (slow) ages and private chat rooms.
  • Pro: $60/month, 30 hours of fast image generation, free chat room, unlimited relaxed age.

But, the basic plan is ideal. It lets you explore the platform, and get acquainted with the interface. If you upgrade, use the /subscribe prompt to access your account and switch to a higher tier.

Creating An Image 

Midjourney Image

Consider the prompts you wish to use for image creation. You can use \’dystopian, robots, aliens, soldiers, gases, red atmosphere, and city.’

Now, press enter and the bot will process your prompts. After a few seconds, it will generate the image. You will find U1, U2, U3, and U4 parts for upscaling specific images. For instance, upscaling U1 will enlarge the image.

V1, V2, V3, and V4 will slightly change the image. To create the revised version of image 4, click on V4. In this section, you’ll encounter four variations of image 4.

Understanding The Commands

Midjourney AI Commands

Midjourney AI has several commands to create outstanding images. Here I am going to talk about some exciting codes of this program. These codes will help you create exact photos based on your imagination.

  • Image in square shape (– ar 1:1)-Facilitates image creation through entered prompts.
  • /help – Offers details about the Midjourney bot.
  • /info – Supplies details of your plan, usage, queued jobs, and running jobs.
  • /fast – Accelerates the bot’s speed upon payment of a fee.
  • /relax – Extends the time needed to complete your task.
  • /show – The task will be revitalized.
  • /private – A premium prompt. It ensures the confidentiality of your job from the public eye
  • /public – Your job is visible to everyone. This means that anyone with access to the platform can view the details and progress of your job.
  • – -no – You can specify parameters. It determines which elements are not important. These parameters allow you to exercise precise control over the removal process.
  • – -stylize – A lower value will lead to a more stringent evaluation of the prompt. However, a higher value allows a more accessible interpretation of your input.
  • – /describe – The tool generates a suitable prompt proposal.
  • – -aspect (alternatively -ar) – Adjusts the aspect ratios of the image.

Advantages of Midjourney AI-generated Arts

AI-generated art offers several benefits. Some of these benefits include:

Creativity and Exploration

Midjourney Art

AI art can push the boundaries of creativity. It creates novel and innovative artwork that human artists might not have conceived. Also, it enables the exploration of new artistic styles, techniques, and possibilities.

Efficiency and Productivity

Midjourney AI Images

AI can generate art, saving time and effort for artists. It assists in developing sketches, drafts, and variations.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

Midjourney AI Software generated image

AI-generated art democratizes art creation. It is accessible to more individuals, including those without traditional artistic skills. Also, people from different backgrounds can engage in the creative process.

Inspiration and Collaboration

Midjourney AI Software generated art

AI-generated art can serve as a source of inspiration for human artists. It sparks new ideas. The collaborative projects where humans and AI work together become masterpieces.

Disadvantages of Midjourney

Subscribing to Midjourney offers advantages, but there are some considerations to consider. Users should consider a few aspects before selecting Midjourney over other popular options.

Only Accessible Through Discord

Discord, Midjourney AI

Many users appreciate the convenience of not requiring advanced software for image creation. But, some need help using the designated Discord server, leading to hassle. Additionally, this approach means all generated images become public.

The Images are Public

Midjourney AI Software generated arts

One limitation of using Midjourney is your art and prompt are visible to anyone. They can access them. This lack of privacy means others can observe your creative process. If someone likes your creation, they can change it according to their preferences. For those seeking original and exclusive artwork, this \can pose a considerable problem.


AI Complexity

Using Midjourney seems complex. The user needs a certain level of expertise for setup and operation. This creates a barrier. Small businesses and individuals fail to make the best use of it. The intricate setup and usage requirements might discourage some users. Thus it limits its accessibility to a broader audience. As a result, those who are seeking an easy AI art solution may go for other options.

Limited Human Interaction

Human Interaction, Midjourney AI review

Midjourney offers personalized responses through its AI-driven system. However, customers prefer the reassurance of interacting with a human representative. It is a limitation for business. They need to focus on it to build strong customer relationships.

Striking a balance between AI-driven solutions and human interaction remains essential. It helps cater to diverse customer preferences and deliver a more comprehensive service.

Future of AI Image Generators

The future of AI image generators is optimistic. It is expected to bring about significant advancements in various fields. Some potential developments include:

Improved Quality and Realism

AI-generated and human-made art

AI image generators will continue to enhance their ability. They will create realistic and detailed images. It will continue blurring the line between AI-generated and human-made art. This quality improvement will make AI-generated images even more compelling and valuable.

Customization and Personalization

Artificial Intelligence

AI image generators will become more adept at understanding individual preferences and styles.  It allows users to customize and personalize their creations to a greater extent. This will cater to diverse tastes and artistic visions.

Interactive and Dynamic Art

Dynamic Art, Midjourney AI

Future AI generators enable interactive and dynamic art experiences. The generated images respond to user input or change over time. Thus, you can create engaging and interactive visual content.

Multi-Modal Art Generation

Art Generator

AI models might evolve to generate art across many modalities. You can use AI to develop images from textual descriptions. This cross-modal creativity will open up new creative possibilities.

AI-Human Collaborations

AI-Human Collaborations

The future of AI image generators may involve deeper collaboration between AI systems and human artists. AI can assist artists by generating initial concepts or handling repetitive tasks. Consequently, it allows artists to focus on more creative aspects.

Final Thoughts 

In summary, AI tools can be creative within the confines of their training data. Still, they must possess the depth and breadth of human creativity. It requires the shape of consciousness and emotions.

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Is Midjourney No Longer Free?

No, Midjourney is not accessible now. You have to buy a subscription plan to generate images. They offer three subscription plans. You can take one of them.

Is Midjourney Better Than Dalle2?

Yes, Midjourney offers better-quality images than any of the AI image generators. If you need high-quality photos, Midjourney should be your first choice.

Can I Sell AI-generated Art?

Yes, you can sell AI-generated photos just like other artworks. There is a particular marketplace where you can sell these photos. 

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